Call: 1989 (HK)
Inner Bar: 2014
Deputy High Court Judge of Hong Kong (2016, 2019)
Deputy Chairman, Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance)
Vice-Chairman, Municipal Services Appeal Board
Contact her secretary, Ms. Yannie Ng at yannieng@28admiralty.com or +852 2122 9980
Matrimonial specialist in Hong Kong.
DD v. LKW [2008] 2 HKLRD (CA), as Amicus Curiae: The Court of Appeal’s decision was subsequently endorsed by the Court of Final Appeal and it changed the law in Hong Kong on ancillary relief from “reasonable requirements” to the “equal sharing as starting point” principle.
KLK v. PLTO & Anor (2014) 17 HKCFAR 414: The first Court of Final Appeal case on how discretionary trust set up by the husband forms part of financial resources available to him in ancillary relief
LCYP v. JEK [2019] HKCFI 1588: The first case in Court of First Instance to apply the principle laid down in SPH v SA [2014] HKCFA 56 on nuptial agreement in ancillary relief
FH & MH v. WB & HB [2019] HKCFI 1748: The first case on declaring parentage of a surrogate child and addressing the issue of criminal liability under s. 12 of the Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap. 429)
ML v. YJ (2010) 13 HKCFAR 794: The case triggered the enactment of Part IIA, Matrimonial Property and Proceedings Ordinance (Cap. 192) to enable the Hong Kong Court to deal with the issue of finances of a couple divorced in a foreign jurisdiction.
WLK v. TMC (2010) 13 HKCFA 618: The first Court of Final Appeal case that considered ancillary relief based on “compensation” in a short and childless marriage.
YBL v. LWC [2017] 1 HKLRD 823 (CA), as Amicus Curiae: The Court of Appeal reviewed the constitutionality of the judgment summons process under Matrimonial Causes Rules, which triggered the drafting of the new Practice Direction SL 10.2.